Domains for free

Some providers offer free domain registration. However, is there a catch? Can you really register a domain for free, or is it just a customer magnet? When launching a website, you need to consider certain costs – the expense list includes items that are quite challenging to ignore. It is necessary to develop the source code of the website itself, purchase hosting, and a domain. Therefore, seeking savings seems quite reasonable – especially in the initial stages of a website’s operation. However, will free domains be a good solution in such cases?

On what basis can domain registration be done?

Some operators advertise in their offers that it is possible to have a domain for free. However, it is difficult not to approach them with caution. After all, maintaining a domain is a cost for the domain registrar. Why would they offer it for free? How does it actually work? Similar to the registration of expensive domains, this offer is also associated with certain takeovers. A free domain name? Only for the first year. Firstly, the cost of the domain is often displayed only for the first 12 months. If you look at the costs for subsequent periods, you will surely notice that, in the long run, the domain may not be so cheap.

Free domains? Watch out for additional fees. However, this is not the only question that should be of particular interest. Details related to transferring the domain to another operator are also essential.

What is it really about? Well, if you decide to transfer the domain to another operator, it will usually involve paying… another fee! So, if you plan to keep the address but want to change the operator, you still have to pay the current registration fee. This makes transferring from one domain to another much less cost-effective.

A free domain for your website – is it possible?

In the vast majority of cases, free domains do not require a fee only for the first settlement. However, not always. Some domain registrars try with free domains that do not require annual renewal. Is it possible at all? These types of permanently free domains are possible, but they usually include complex addresses and long extensions. Such a web address is actually a subdomain of the operator. As you can see, it is difficult for completely free domains to be truly useful for managing a website. Of course, it can be considered as a reserve, but it will work in such a limited application.

Website domain in a package

Free domains can also be bundled with others. In such a situation, you pay a promotional price for a service package, and the domain is added. You can get such a free domain in a package with:

  • Hosting – having a domain and server with the service provider is quite a good combination. But remember that you don’t have to store your hosting address and domain in the same company. It’s worth checking what will happen if you decide, for example, to resign from hosting and transfer the domain to another operator;
  • CMS – by opting for SaaS software, sometimes you don’t have to worry about the domain. You simply buy it as part of a service package that includes access to the CMS enabling online sales;
  • Website building program – in some WYSIWYG website building applications, as well as selected website templates, there is the possibility of getting a free domain in a package. It is important to remember that even in this situation, you should carefully read the terms of the offer. It may turn out that buying individual services separately in the longer term will be much cheaper.

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